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Get to know about the game 3 Slices

“3 Slices” is a puzzle game that challenges players’ analytical skills and spatial reasoning. At its core, the game is straightforward, yet it offers a level of complexity that keeps players engaged and yearning for more.

The primary objective of “3 Slices” is to cut a figure or shape into smaller pieces, aiming to remove a specific percentage or more from the screen. The catch? Players are limited to making only three slices per level. With every cut, the separated parts fall due to gravity, which can lead to a chain reaction of shifting pieces. This gravity-based mechanic makes planning each slice crucial, as one has to anticipate how the segments will move once separated.

Each level presents a distinct challenge, with shapes of varying sizes and configurations. As players progress, they’ll encounter levels with colored shapes. These colored segments behave differently, adding another layer of strategy to the puzzle. For instance, some might be unaffected by gravity, while others could possess unique attributes that can either aid or hinder the player’s efforts.

Overall, “3 Slices” is a delightful puzzle game that tests both the player’s mind and patience. Its minimalist design, coupled with the increasing difficulty curve, ensures that players remain hooked, always trying to perfect their slice and achieve that satisfying high score.